Design & Printmaking

Favorite and Found Letter Project

My enthusiasm for type and screen printing is pretty high. The goal of this project was to gain more experience drawing letter forms and experiment with screen printing techniques. These were both things I had wanted to do for a while but hadn't been able to put the time aside for. To prepare for the project I collected 945 letters as research. This meant frequent trips to libraries, antique shops and junk yards around Massachusetts.

Letter A Letter B Letter C Letter D Letter E Letter F Letter G Letter H Letter I Letter J Letter K Letter L Letter M Letter N Letter O Letter P Letter Q Letter R Letter S Letter T Letter U Letter V Letter W Letter X Y Ampersand Letter Z

The Process

After I'd done a few weeks of research and built a new printing setup I narrowed my finds down from 945 to about 118. From here I made a more informed decision about what letters felt right in the series. Type was then redrawn from reference, from scratch, or left as is because it was so unique. I also created several of my own characters inspired by what I had found. From start to finish this project took 200+ hours to complete. and I found that once I carved out the time to spend experimenting I couldn't put the project down.

Process: Found Letters Letter Project: Letters Framed